Net Worth Calculator.

Net Worth Calculator

This calculator was designed to help you to take a "picture" of your current financial condition. Whereas an income and expense statement shows you your financial picture for a period of time (month, year, etc.), this Net Worth Calculator will show you your financial picture at a single point in time (a specific date). That way, if you compute your Net Worth now, and then again 3 months from now, you will be able to tell whether your financial picture is improving or getting worse.

Starting at the top and working your way down, complete the totals for each of the six sections. Once you've completed the entire worksheet, click on the "Create Report" button at the bottom of the worksheet. This will create a condensed report in a new window that you can print-out and compare to your other Net Worth Reports.

Liquid Assets Amount
Cash (checking & savings accounts)
Short-Term Investments
Treasury Bills
Savings Certificates
Money Market Funds
Cash Value of Life Insurance
Total Liquid Assets
Investment Assets Amount
Notes Receivable
Marketable Securities
Real Estate (investment)
Tax Incentive Investments
Retirement Funds
Total Investment Assets
Personal Assets Amount
Vacation Property
Art, Antiques
Total Personal Assets
Short-Term Liabilities Amount
Credit Cards
Car Loan
Construction Liens/Notes/Balances Due
Installment Loans
Accrued Income Taxes
Loan on Life Insurance
Other Debt
Total Short-Term Liabilities
Long-Term Liabilities Amount
Loans to Purchase Personal Assets
Loan to Acquire Business
Mortgage on Personal Residence(s)
Note to Business
Total Long-Term Liabilities
Contingent Liabilities Amount
Guarantor (SBA Loan)
Damage Claims
Total Contingent Liabilities
Printable Report Details Name & Date
Your Name
Report date
Printable Report Details Name & Date
Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Net Worth

Current Deposit Interest Rates

We publish current savings & CD rates. Savers can use the filters at the top of the table to adjust their initial deposit amount along with the type of account they are interested in: high interest savings, certificates of deposit, money market accounts and interest bearing checking accounts.

Understanding Your Net Worth

Every so often, individuals need precise calculations about their net worth.  Asset statements and credit card bills help construct images of where people stand, but there are other things to consider too. Net worth calculator is particularly helpful for viewing the big picture, because it actually isolates a specificr point in time, rather than capturing data about a span, like a monthly billing period or quarterly brokerage account statement.

The breadth of wealth and debt accumulated over time is hard to track without reliable tools for viewing a wide cross section of investments and expenses.  The net worth calculator allows for multiple, diverse inputs, synthesizing the package into an easy to digest image of financial health.

Wealth Protection.

Assets to Consider While Calculating Net Worth

Liquid assets are those held which can be accessed immediately and converted into cash – if they are not already. In other words, cash resources produced at a moments notice, with real discernible value, are considered liquid assets.  Some common forms of liquid assets widely held by consumers of various degrees of affluence include the following:

  • Cash – Money that you have saved and keep on hand for quick access is a liquid asset. Cash in your wallet, piggy-bank and stuffed under the mattress all represent liquid assets to be plugged-in to the calculator
  • Checking and Savings Accounts – One step removed from the cash in your pockets, the resources deposited at banks and credit unions also represent liquid assets.  Though they are not bills and coins on-hand, the money held in your checking and savings accounts can quickly be converted to cash, so it is considered liquid.
  • Short-term Investments – In many cases, investments made over the short term are considered liquid assets.  Unlike long-term investments, which do not fall in this category; short-term investments are not tied to lengthy commitments, allowing them to be converted to cash and mobilized for purchases quickly.  Short term funds are found in money-market investments, sometimes used as temporary holding places for cash ultimately destined for other uses.
  • Treasury Bills and Savings Certificates – Investments with short-term returns, unrestricted in the way they are cashable provide additional resources for the liquid asset column.  Though they carry unique terms, converting them to cash quickly is usually not a problem.
  • Life-Insurance – Paying ahead for life insurance builds cash values on policies, which can be cashed-out at any time.  Though the cash value does not reflect the same value as a policy's death benefit, it is a liquid asset nonetheless.

Once calculated, liquid assets are combined with long-term investments, comprising the assets used for calculating net worth

Liabilities Offset Assets

On the other side of the equation, money you owe and financial commitments you've made comprise liabilities working against your net worth assets.  Everyone's obligations are different, but a few liabilities to consider include:

  • Short Term – Credit cards, car payments, and other commitments designed to be paid back quickly are considered short term liabilities, offsetting assets.
  • Long Term – Mortgages, business loans and other funding options used for acquiring big-ticket assets are set-up to be repaid over the course of many years.  As a result, these commitment fall into the long term liability category.